2006, Reflect Connect Move
Maria Dominguez
portable mural, East New York Brooklyn
4’ x 12’, acrylic on wood
with Brooklyn Connect


Pea Pods and Butterflies, 2000
Janet Braun-Reinitz
Schenck Ave. at Livonia Ave., Brooklyn
10’ x 80’, acrylic on concrete
with United Community Centers


Celebrating the Life of Women in Our Community (For Amy Watkins), 1999
Rochelle Shicoff and Janet Braun-Reinitz
Townsend & Mt. Eden Aves., Bronx
12’ x 50’, acrylic on concrete
with New Settlement Apartments


25 Years of Struggle, 1998
Janet Braun-Reinitz
613 New Lots Ave., Brooklyn
8’ x 110’, acrylic on brick and cinderblock
with United Community Centers


As Time Goes By: A History of East New York, 1997
Janet Braun-Reinitz
Schenck & Livonia Avenues, Brooklyn
13’ x 100’, acrylic on brick
with United Community Centers, New Vision Community Garden


The Aldo Cycle, untitled youth mural, 1997
Janet Braun-Reinitz
Nehemiah Ten GreenThumb Garden
884 Blake Avenue, Brooklyn
4’ x 8’, acrylic on plywood
with GreenThumb, NYC Department of Parks & Recreation


The Aldo Cycle, untitled youth mural, 1996
Judy Hoffman
Joe Holska Community Garden, Staten Island
4’ x 8’, acrylic on plywood
with GreenThumb, NYC Department of Parks & Recreation


The Aldo Cycle, untitled youth mural, 1996
Noah Jemisin
Pleasant Village Community Garden
Pleasant Ave. bet. East 118th and 119th Sts., Manhattan
4’ x 8’, acrylic on plywood
with GreenThumb, NYC Department of Parks & Recreation


The Aldo Cycle, untitled youth mural, 1996
Noah Jemisin
Garden Beautiful
263 West 153rd Street, Manhattan
4’ x 8’, acrylic on plywood
with GreenThumb, NYC Department of Parks & Recreation


The Aldo Cycle, untitled youth mural, 1996
Rochelle Shicoff
unknown Brooklyn garden
4’ x 8’, acrylic on plywood
with GreenThumb, NYC Department of Parks & Recreation


Choices: Brooklyn, 1995
Rochelle Shicoff and Janet Braun-Reinitz
Borough Hall Planned Parenthood Clinic, Brooklyn
4’ x 16’, acrylic on concrete


The History of Money: From Cowrie Shells to ATM Cards, 1995
Rochelle Shicoff, Janet Braun-Reinitz and Renny Molenaar
Chase Manhattan Plaza, Manhattan
8’ x 100’, acrylic on wood
with Arts Connection


We’re Still Waiting, 1994
Wong Dowling
613 New Lots Ave., Brooklyn
approx. 8’ x 40’, acrylic on brick
with United Community Centers


The Art of Healing, 1994
Janet Braun-Reinitz
Pennsylvania Ave. at Pitkin Ave., Brooklyn
20’ x 12’, acrylic on shaped wood mounted on brick
with United Community Centers, East New York Diagnostic & Treatment Center

Jane Weissman